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Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь - error


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Перевод с английского языка error на русский

1) ошибка; погрешность 2) искажение error in indication — погрешность показания (прибора); погрешность отсчёта; error in measurement — погрешность измерения; errors in the same sense — погрешности одного знака; error on a measurement — погрешность измерения; error on the safe side — погрешность в сторону увеличения запаса прочности; to accumulate errors — накапливать погрешности; to be in error — иметь погрешность (о результате измерения); to combine errors — суммировать погрешности; to compensate error — 1. компенсировать ошибку (показаний прибора) 2. возд. списывать (устранять) девиацию радиокомпаса; to distribute error of closure — геод. разбрасывать невязку; to hold measurement errors to... — удерживать погрешности измерений в пределах...; to introduce an error — вносить погрешность; to negate errors — исключать погрешности; компенсировать погрешности; to reduce errors — 1. уменьшать (снижать) погрешности 2. приводить погрешности (к определённым условиям или определённому виду) error of approximation — погрешность приближения, погрешность аппроксимации error of closure — геод. невязка error of comparison — погрешность (методики) сличения error or connection — геод. невязка error of direction — ошибка в определении направления error of division (error of graduation) — погрешность градуировки error of height — ошибка в определении высоты error of indication — погрешность показания (прибора); погрешность отсчёта error of measurement — погрешность измерения error of method — погрешность метода измерений; методическая погрешность error of observation — 1. погрешность наблюдения; погрешность отсчёта 2. геод. ошибка измерения, ошибка наблюдения error of omission — 1. пропуск, пробел 2. упущение error of position — 1. погрешность в определении положения или местоположения 2. геод. координатная невязка error of significance — значительная (существенная) погрешность error of traverse — геод. линейная невязка - absolute error - acceptable error - accidental error - accumulated error - accumulative error - accuracy error - across-track error - actual error - additive error - admissible error - aggregate error - airborne equipment error - aliasing error - alignment error - along-track error - altering error - altimeter error - ambiguity error - amplitude error - angular error - appreciable error - approximation error - arithmetic error - assigned error - assumed error - azimuth error - backlash error - base error - basic error - beam landing error - bearing error - bias error - bias stability error - bit error - block mean-squared error - boresight error - burst error - calibration error - chaining error - chip error - chroma error - closing error - closure error - closure error in leveling - closure error of angles - closure error of azimuths - collimation error - color error - color-hue error - color-purity error - color-registration error - combined error - common error - compass error - compass turning error - compensating errors - complementary error - component error - composite error - composition error - computational error - computation error - computed error - concealed error - conformity error - connection error - consistent error - constant error - contributing error - conventional error - copying error - course error - crude error - cumulative error - cyclic error - data error - datum error - day-to-day error - dead-path error - delay error - detected error - digital error - displacement error - distance error - dynamic error - dynamic phase error - end errors - erratic error - estimated error - estimation error - excessive error - exposure error - extreme error - fatal error - fixed error - flight technical error - focusing error - focus error - folding error - following error - forecast erROR - form error - fractional error - frequency error - full-scale error - gaging error - gamma error - gang error - geometrical error - geometric error - glide path angular error - graduation error - gross error - group-delay error - guidance error - guide positional error - gyrocompass error - hard error - hardware error - head-penetration error - heeling error - height-keeping error - horizontal phase error - hue error - human error - implementation error - inbound error - index error - indicated displacement error - indication error - individual error - inherent error - inherited error - initial error - input error - instrumental error - instrument error - interference error - interlace error - interpolation error - interval error - intolerable error - intrinsic error - introduced error - ionosphere error - lead error - leveling error - limiting error - linear error - linearity error - logical error - longitudinal error - long-term error - machine error - marginal error - maximum error - maximum likely error - maximum relative error - maximum zero error - mean error - mean square error - measurement error - minimum error - minimum mean-square error - minimum prediction error - mismatch error - mispositioning error - momentary error - multiple error - navigation error - near-extreme error - negative error - noise error - nominal error - nonlinear error - observation error - observed error - offset error - omission error - operator's error - optimistic error - outbound error - output error - overall error - overlay error - parity check error - parity error - partial error - particular error - parts-to-platen error - patching error - path following error - peak error - peak-to-peak error - permissible error - personal error - pessimistic error - phase error - pitch error - platen-to-machine error - pointing error - position error - positional error - position following error - positioning error - positive error - predicted following error - prediction error - probable error - procedural error - propagation delay error - quadrantal error - quadratic phase error - quadrature error - quantization error - radial displacement error - radiation error - random error - range error - ratio error - reader error - reading error - reasonable error - recoverable error - reduced error - reference limiting error - registration error - relative error - residual error - resistance error - resolution error - resultant error - root-mean-square error - rounding error - routine/routine interface error - run-time error - sampling error - saturation error - scale error - scale calibration error - scanning error - select error - sequence error - servo excess error - servo following error - sextant error - shade error - shading error - sighting error - significant error - single error - skew error - slide-position error - soft error - software error - speed error - sporadic error - standard error - static error - statistical error - steady-state error - steering error - step-up error - substitution error - superposition error - systematic error - tape speed errors - targeting error - temperature error - temporary error - tilt error - time error - time-base error - tool setting error - total error - tracking error - transfer error - transient error - true error - truncation error - typing error - typographic error - unconcealable error - uncorrectable error - undetected error - unrecoverable error - unsuspected error - user clock time bias error - velocity error - vertical phase error - voltage error - weighted mean error - wiring error - zero error - zerO-DRIFT ERROR - zero end error - zero setting error
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  ошибка; погрешность error of closure error of survey error of result absolute error accidental error angular closing error arithmetic mean error calculating error calibration error clamping error closing error collimation error erratic error index error mean square error natural error personal error probable error random error relative error residual error staff error standard error systematic error testing errors tilt error true error ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  ошибка; погрешность – absolute error – admissible error – angle error – anomal error – apparent quadrature error – asynchronous error – auxiliary error – average bit error – balanced error – bit error – burst error – byte error – character error – color error – concealed error – concentricity error – current error – data error – day-to-day error – dead time error – demodulation error – drop error – electrostatic error – element error – end errors – fast-fading error – fatal error – frequency error – gating error – human error – inherited error – ionospheric error – lost-token error – marginal error – maximum-frequency error – measurement error – negligible error – n-fold error – normal error – one-fold error – output-voltage error – peak-to-peak error – permissible error – prediction error – quantization error – random error – read error – recoverable error – reduced error – relative error – root-mean-square error – roundoff error – run-time error – section error – single bit error – static error – synchronizing error – systematic error – tape-speed error – timing error – total error – tracking error – transmission error – trigger error – tuning error – velocity error – voltage error ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) ошибка, погрешность 2) промах; просчёт; недосмотр 3) неточность 4) описка 5) отклонение; расхождение; рассогласование absolute limit of error — предел абсолютной погрешности an error creeped in — вкралась ошибка error due to — ошибка, обусловленная (чем-л.); ошибка, связанная с (чем-л.) error due to standard used — погрешность меры error in standard deviation — ошибка среднеквадратического отклонения within the experimential error — в пределах точности эксперимента to distribute the error of closure — матем. разбросать невязку - acceleration error - accumulating error - actuating error - allowable error - altitude error - analytical error - angle error - anormal error - apparent error - associated error - autoregressive error - average error - average squared error - avoidable error - centering error - check-out error - clerical error - conservative error - counting error - coverage error - decoding error - determinablle error - determinate error - deterministic error - differential error - digitizing error - discretization error - display error - elementary error - end error - error of curvature - error of estimation - error of estimator - error of fitting - error of graduation - error of prediction - error of standardization - error of the first kind - error of the third kind - essential error - expected squared error - filtering error - forecasting error - formal error - global error - grouping error - heading error - hysteretic error - identification error - imaginary error - inadvertent error - independent error - instantaneous error - integrated absolute error - integrated square error - interpretation error - intrablock error - irreducible error - likely error - local error - mean probable error - meter error - methodic error - minute error -...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  сущ. 1) ошибка; заблуждение, ложное представление 2) стат. отклонение от номинала 3) погрешность, потеря точности, рассогласование • apparent error — очевидная ошибка, очевидные недостатки (используются как основание для отмены решения) harmless error — несущественная ошибка invited error — спровоцированная ошибка judicial error — судебная ошибка prejudicial error — судебная ошибка в результате предубеждённости судей procedural error — процессуальная ошибка reversible error — ошибка, дающая основание для отмены решения - clerical error - culpable error - severance error - substantive error ERROR ошибка – error of judgement – clerical error – formal error – good faith error – judicial error ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  ошибка, отклонение, погрешность – error of difference – error of estimate – error of fitting – error of mean – error of observation – error of reading – error of standard deviation – error of sum – error of the first kind – error of the second kind – error of the third kind – error of variance – absolute error – adjusted error – admissible error – appreciable error – approximation error – average error – copy error – corrected error – cosine error – cumulative error – inappreciable error – mean error – mean-square error – observation error – plot error – probable error – random error – random sampling error – relative error – sampling error – standard error – type I error – type II error – type III error ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. ошибка, заблуждение, ложное представление human error —- ошибка, свойственная человеку errors of taste —- плохой вкус в одежде an error of judgement —- неверное суждение, ошибочный расчет, ошибочная оценка in error —- ошибочно, по ошибке to do smth. in error —- ошибиться, сделать что-либо по ошибке to make an error —- сделать ошибку; впасть в заблуждение to be in error —- ошибаться, заблуждаться to dispossess smb. of an error —- книж. выводить кого-либо из заблуждения to lead smb. into error —- вводить кого-либо в заблуждение to fall into a serious error —- впасть в серьезную ошибку he has seen the error of his ways —- он понял, что поступал неправильно 2. ошибка, погрешность spelling error —- ошибка в правописании printers' error —- опечатка noise error —- спец. искажение, вызванное шумами permissible error —- тех. допуск actual —- спец. истинная ошибка, истинная величина ошибки appreciable error —- существенная ошибка inappreciable error —- незначительная погрешность error code —- комп. код ошибки error log —- комп. файл регистрации ошибок error of omission —- упущение, недосмотр error in reading —- спец. ошибка отсчета to eliminate the errors —- устранять ошибки 3. проступок, грех cardinal error —- смертный грех errors of youth —- грехи молодости to repent one's errors —- покаяться в грехах 4. тех. отклонение (от номинала);...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  noun  1) ошибка, заблуждение to make an error - совершить ошибку, ошибиться in error - по ошибке, ошибочно - be in error  2) грех  3) poet. блуждание  4) отклонение, уклонение, погрешность  5) radio рассогласование Syn: see mistake ...
Англо-русский словарь
  n. 1 a mistake. 2 the condition of being wrong in conduct or judgement (led into error). 3 a wrong opinion or judgement. 4 the amount by which something is incorrect or inaccurate in a calculation or measurement. Derivatives errorless adj. Etymology: ME f. OF errour f. L error -oris (as ERR) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  Etymology: Middle English errour, from Anglo-French, from Latin ~, from errare  Date: 13th century  1.  a. an act or condition of ignorant or imprudent deviation from a code of behavior  b. an act involving an unintentional deviation from truth or accuracy made an ~ in adding up the bill  c. an act that through ignorance, deficiency, or accident departs from or fails to achieve what should be done an ~ in judgment: as  (1) a defensive misplay other than a wild pitch or passed ball made by a baseball player when normal play would have resulted in an out or prevented an advance by a base runner  (2) the failure of a player (as in tennis) to make a successful return of a ball during play  d. a mistake in the proceedings of a court of record in matters of law or of fact  2.  a. the quality or state of erring the map is in ~  b. Christian Science illusion about the nature of reality that is the cause of human suffering ; the contradiction of truth  c. an instance of false belief  3. something produced by mistake a typographical ~; especially a postage stamp exhibiting a consistent flaw (as a wrong color) in its manufacture  4.  a. the difference between an observed or calculated value and a true value; specifically variation in measurements, calculations, or observations of a quantity due to mistakes or to uncontrollable factors  b. the amount of deviation from a standard or specification  5. a deficiency or imperfection in structure or function an ~ of metabolism  • ~less adjective Synonyms:  ~, mistake, blunder, slip, lapse mean a departure from what is true, right, or proper. ~ suggests the existence of a standard or guide and a straying from the right course through failure to make effective use of this procedural ~s. mistake implies misconception or inadvertence and usually expresses less criticism than ~ dialed the wrong number by mistake. blunder regularly imputes stupidity or ignorance as a cause and connotes some degree of blame diplomatic blunders. slip stresses inadvertence or...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (errors) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. An error is something you have done which is considered to be incorrect or wrong, or which should not have been done. NASA discovered a mathematical error in its calculations... MPs attacked lax management and errors of judgment. N-VAR: oft N prep 2. If you do something in error or if it happens in error, you do it or it happens because you have made a mistake, especially in your judgment. The plane was shot down in error by a NATO missile. PHRASE: usu PHR after v 3. If someone sees the error of their ways, they realize or admit that they have made a mistake or behaved badly. I wanted an opportunity to talk some sense into him and try to make him see the error of his ways. PHRASE: PHR after v ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 a mistake, especially a mistake in speaking or writing or a mistake that causes serious problems  (an essay full of spelling errors | Heath committed a grave error by making concessions to the right wing of the party. | computer/driver etc error)  (Mrs Leigh's huge phone bill was the result of a computer error. | human error (=made by a person rather than a machine) | commit an error (=make a mistake))  (Heath committed an error by making concessions to extremists. | a grave error (=a serious mistake)) 2 error of judgment a mistake in the way that you examine a situation and decide what to do 3 see the error of your ways literary or humorous to realize that you have been behaving badly and decide to stop 4 be in error to have made a mistake, especially when making an official decision  (The company has admitted that they were in error.) 5 in error if you do something in error, it is wrong but you did not intend to do it  (The letter was opened in error.)  (- compare mistake1, - see also trial and error trial1 (3)) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - 13c., from O.Fr. errur, from L. errorem (nom. error) "a wandering, straying, mistake," from errare "to wander" (see err). Words in most I.E. languages originally meant "wander, go astray" (but Ir. dearmad "error," from dermat "a forgetting"). ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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